Ibdaa Lebanon Response to Beirut Blast

21 ديسمبر 2020

With USAID support under the Livelihoods and Inclusive Finance Expansion (LIFE) project, Ibdaa Lebanon launched the “Ibdaa Lebanon Response to Beirut Blast” project to help owners a/o managers of micro-businesses affected by the blast at the Beirut port.  The assistance consists of providing these businesses with capital assets up to $4,000/ business to repair their damaged premises in order to secure their livelihoods. 

Early September 2020, Ibdaa Lebanon kicked off the project by assessing damages, meeting with potential recipients, collecting the needed information, and selecting the most urgent cases to support during the first phase of the project. This initial phase was then followed by the procurement and distribution of the needed equipment to 27 beneficiaries (to-date) located in Beirut --Mar Mikhael, Bourj Hammoud, Medawar/ Karantina, Zekak Al Blat, and Barbir -- enabling them to resume their operations. 


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